Sugar: The Bitter Truth

After any favourite meal, everyone wants some sweet dish. Then only one can feel the satisfaction of complete meal. Varieties of options, from ice cream to fruit salads are there.

In the past, there was a competition to eat jilebi or laddu during various gatherings/functions. So basically, sweets are the weak point of many people. The main ingredient in all the sweets is sugar.

This sugar starts entering the body from the tea taken after waking up in the morning and continues throughout the day till sleep through various substances. We consume sugar from many things like jam, biscuits, chocolates, cakes, sweets etc. Sugar, which is sweet in taste and white in appearance, is loved by everyone from young to old.

Sugar is made by some chemical treatment on sugarcane juice.It is made by heating the sugarcane juice.Lime is added to it and waste is removed from it.

In order to make the juice more durable, it is made into white granulated sugar by thickening the juice. And various chemical processes like refining, bleaching and addition of sulphur dioxide gas and formalin are done to make this juice more durable.

White sugar is also called refined sugar.Sulphur dioxide, phosphoric acid, calcium hydroxide and activated carbon are used to purify it. After refining, the vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and other beneficial nutrients in sugar are destroyed.It contains only sucrose and an excess of sucrose is harmful to the body.

Due to many of these chemical reactions, sugar is definitely harmful to the body. Considering the nutritional value of sugar, it is clear that only carbohydrates are obtained from sugar.  It is completely deficient in proteins, minerals and vitamins. Carbohydrates from sugar provide more calories.

Research has shown that a person consumes about 24 spoons (384 calories) of sugar in a day through different food items. This amount is many times more than the body needs. Digestible disaccharide in sugarcane is converted into heavy polysaccharides through refining process. The burden of converting this polysaccharide sugar back into digestible monosaccharide’s falls on the digestive system, especially the pancreas.

This load slowly weakens the pancreas and reduces the production of insulin, which in turn forms the basis of diabetes. The minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium in sugarcane are destroyed during making of the sugar. As a result, their supply to the body is reduced and their requirement is completed by body by pulling out the body’s reserve. 

In addition, the amount of Vitamin B12, Calcium and Vitamin A required for growth of the body is reduced due to excess sugar. Sugar interferes with the body’s absorption of iron, which in turn leads to anaemia.

Copper, an important component of the body’s immune system, and its deficiency occurs due to excess sugar; which in turn weakens the immune system.

One teaspoon of sugar provides calories as equal as eating 2 rotis. This means that if you add 2 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of tea, then one cup of tea consumes the energy required to digest four rotis. If you take two cups of tea in a day, the same strength is doubled. This is why people who consume too much tea, too much sugar can develop obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis.

It is because of this sugar that many people are currently suffering from various diseases of the teeth and gums. In addition, excess sugar is associated with proteins in the blood, which can lead to premature aging, skin wrinkles, and other side effects. Sweet foods are more common, especially in young children.A study conducted in the United States found that children who ate less sugar had a better increase in their intellectual capacity. Sugar, which has such a sweet taste, however, has many bitter effects on the body.