Chay ki Charcha

SAY NO To TEA – Basically, tea is not an Indian drink. The Scottish householder Robert Bruce first discovered tea in Assam in 1827. This was called Asamika. Even today, Assam tea is known as the best tea in the world. Nowadays, most Indians drink black tea with milk (milk or white poison?).

The milk available now a day is white poison and drinking it in black tea is strong poison. Also, by adding milk to tea, the casein protein in milk is combined with the antioxidants in tea. This reduces the antioxidant properties of tea. The British left the country but we still hold on to the bad habits they gave us. Tea is best example has become a major part of Indian lifestyle.

Many excuses like not feeling fresh in the morning, does not pass the bowel etc are ready by many of us. And some are helpless as they have to take tea at their work place.

The first effects of milk tea appear on the digestive system. A person who frequently drinks tea will surely have acidity. At the same time, many suffer from gases. The caffeine in tea is one of the reasons why many people pass their motion after drinking tea. But later on as it is astringent causes constipation. Moreover Tea is used as home remedy for diarrhea.

Drinking too much and excessive amount of tea can lead to digestive disorders, headaches, liver diseases, acidosis, insomnia. Since tea is primarily acidic, it can irritate the esophagus.  Excess caffeine relaxes the esophageal sphincter, so many people have increased acid reflux after drinking tea.

Excessive tea consumption by pregnant women often leads to miscarriage or miscarriage. The most common cause of irritability in young children is excessive tea taken by the mother during pregnancy.

Frequent tea drinking is the root cause of many ailments ranging from headaches, Acidity , Indigestion, Gases, Constipation heartburn, to brittle bones to mental instability. The tannins in tea are combined with iron in the blood. This lowers the amount of iron in the blood and increases the chances of developing anemia. Taking tea with meals reduces the absorption of iron due to tannins.

Some people experience symptoms like nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, etc. due to this tannin. The caffeine in tea acts as a brain stimulant. A large cup of tea usually contains 50 grams of caffeine. More than 200 mg of caffeine a day is harmful to the body. Therefore, those who consume tea frequently have increased levels of caffeine and symptoms such as stress, discomfort, insomnia, etc.

Some people experience symptoms like nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, etc. due to this tannin.

 The caffeine in tea acts as a brain stimulant. A large cup of tea usually contains 50 grams of caffeine. More than 200 mg of caffeine a day is harmful to the body. Therefore, those who consume tea frequently have increased levels of caffeine and symptoms such as stress, discomfort, insomnia, etc.

Many people suffer from headaches, dizziness, etc. due to high levels of caffeine. It is this caffeine in tea that makes tea addictive. So if you don’t get tea on time, you will feel restless.

Also, the longer the tea is boiled, the more caffeine is added to it. Therefore, frequent drinking of boiled tea is harmful to health. Research has shown that frequent drinking of boiling tea (or any other boiling drink) causes esophageal cancer. (A prospective study of tea drinking temperature and risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinomaInternational Journal of Cancer, 2019; DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32220)

Many diabetic people satisfy themselves by taking tea without sugar. But tea with sugar and milk or without it;  its side effects are obvious.

Tea activates the urinary bladder and requires frequent urination. If diabetic patients stop taking tea, frequent urination will be reduced and rare restful sleep will be provided. In addition, tea with chapati or any other bakery items is one of our favorite breakfast. According to Ayurveda, it is the opposite in nature. Milk in tea and salt in this other foods are opposite to each other.

Consumption of tea continuously for a long time can lead to various ailments ranging from skin diseases to infertility.

So the addiction that the British have inflicted on the whole world and especially on the Indians is really poisonous. Now we should request our host that “We will come to your home , We will meet outside in a hotel or restaurant but No Tea ….Now decide exactly when and how to get rid of this addiction as soon as possible.