In fact, the word acidity is deceptive. This is because hydrochloric acid, which contains 1.5 to 3 ph. is secreted daily in everyone’s stomach. This is because it helps in the digestion of the proteins in the diet we are consuming. It also works directly or indirectly in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

In a healthy person, about 1.5 liters of acid is produced daily in the stomach. This acid is present in the stomach to some extent permanently. It increases after eating. The levels of this acid are controlled by various hormones and the nervous system. The message of acid secretion is transmitted to the stomach by the brain every time when we consume food.

But what if for some reason the amount of this acid increased or it was secreted at the wrong time? The amount of gastric acid is found to be increased in hyperacidity. The main reason for this increase is the diet that we consume irregularly and incorrectly.

After every 2 to 3 hours a person has a habit of putting something in his mouth. Every time something is eaten, the message of acid secretion is conveyed to the stomach. Therefore, a small amount of this acid is secreted each time. As a result, stomach acid levels appear to increase.

This acid, which is secreted every time, is not of good quality. Therefore, it does not digest food properly. As a result, this undigested food stays in the stomach for a long time. All this leads to hyperacidity. Gastric acid is highest in the stomach between 10 am and 2 am. Therefore, proper digestion of food taken during this period is done by the digestive system.

But in today’s stressful life, no one follows the meal times. Some has to finish a meal in a hurry due to hectic schedule. While it’s not possible for some to eat due to work. Some are having a habit of watching mobile/TV, reading newspaper or books during meal.

One of the main reasons for the increase in acid secretion in the stomach is a diet that increases its secretion. This acid secretion is enhanced by spicy, sour, spicy foods. Many people like to eat spicy food. Some people have to eat fried, spicy food outside as they don’t have any other option. Subsequent foods are mainly responsible for increasing acidity :

  1. Junk food (fried foods) : These have high viscosity and are stored in the stomach for a long time. This results in excessive acid secretion.

2. Caffeinated substances (tea / coffee / chocolates / soft drinks etc.) : Caffeine is naturally acidic which increases the amount of gastric acid.

3. Sour foods (Tamarind / Sour Fruits / Idli, Dosa etc. Fermented foods) : These foods are basically acidic so it increases gastric acidity.

4. Alcohol : Alcohol relaxes the sphincter in the lower part of the esophagus. So gastric acid is pushed up.

5. Soda / Carbonated Drinks – Carbonation bubbles create pressure on the lower part of the esophagus as it enters the stomach. So the mouth of this sphincter is opened and pushed on the acid.

6. Some medicines (pain killers, NSAID’s, antibiotics, chemotherapy medicines) relax the sphincter at the bottom of the esophagus so it is pushed on the acid.

Medicines used for high blood pressure, hormone therapy, asthma, insomnia, anti-depressants, pain killers, arthritis etc.

Hurry, worry and curry are the main reasons for excessive and unhealthy stomach.

Hurry – Eating food in a less time. Therefore, saliva is not mixed in the right amount.

Worry – stress/tension/anxiety

Curry – a spicy, spicy, oily dish.

  • Irregular meal or meal times 
  • Frequent tea / coffee consumption
  • Frequent soft drink intake
  • Consumption of fast food / junk food (Vadapav, Pavbhaji, Samosa, Dabeli, Panipuri, Burger)
  • Excessive use of green chilies, garlic, mire etc. in food preparation
  • Frequent intake of fermented foods / high intake of sour foods 

Chinch (Bhel / Panipuri / Dahipuri / Ragada / Chinch Kelli Amti / Varan), Tomato, Lemon, Yogurt, Buttermilk, Orange, Citrus fruits, Curry (Pickle / Marmalade / Salted Curry) , Yolk, vinegar, fermented foods (idli / dosa / product), bread, soy sauce, citric acid (jam / jelly / ketchup / cheese / Chinese food), mayonnaise, soft drinks

  • Salty foods = habit of taking salt from above, Chips, wafers, khardane, shave, farsan, papad, pickles, French fries, burgers, salted fish / bombil / sukat
  • Frequent consumption of meat or other non- vegetarian food
  • Frequent consumption of hotel food
  • Addiction to alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes etc.
  •  Night awakening
  • Getting up late in the morning
  • Lack of exercise
  • Continuous use of painkillers
  • The habit of eating when there is no appetite
  • Eating too fast or too slowly while eating
  • The habit of drinking water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning
  • The habit of drinking water even when you are not frequently thirsty
  • Go to bed immediately after a meal
  • The habit of sleeping in the afternoon
  • Shift duty
  • The habit of eating without biting too much
  • Frequent medication for acidity (Eno / Digene etc.)
  • The habit of holding urges of stool / urination
  • The habit of taking cold milk due to acidity